Hi Buying. com Family. Today we have released an update to our staking page, which includes the following updates:.

12 Apr 2022, 04:19
Hi Buying.com Family! Today we have released an update to our staking page, which includes the following updates: 1. Balance section which gives you an overview of: * how many BUY tokens you have staked * how many BUY tokens you have received in rewards * total BUY tokens you have staked (includes staked and rewards) * total market value in USD 2. My stakes now shows more details: * rewards timer resets each rewards are paid out * rewards earned - shows you what you have received as a reward for that stake * total if withdrawn - shows you a total if you withdraw that stake * current value - shows the current value of that stake 3. Some general UI/UX fixes CLICK HERE to see the new staking page